
Professor Wu Daming Invited to Give Special Academic Lecture at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Release Time:2024-05-17Number of visits:10

On May 15, 2024, at the invitation of Academician Buznik V. M. from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Wu Daming attended a special academic lecture at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences. This event was jointly organized by the Division of Chemical Engineering, the Division of Inorganic Chemistry, and the Division of Polymer Composite Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The lecture was attended by Academicians Buznik V. M., Yaroslavtsev A. B., and Hohlov A. V., Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences Woshkin A. A. and Riren K. U., as well as over 60 experts and scholars in the fields of polymer materials and nanomaterials, both in person and online.

Professor Wu delivered his academic report in Russian titled "Methods for Enhancing the Performance and Functionality of Polymers and Their Composites," where he presented the fundamental and applied research achievements of his team in this field. He also engaged in on-site discussions with the attending scholars.

Academician Buznik V. M. and others highly praised the research work of Professor Wu's team and suggested advancing deeper cooperation, including joint applications for international cooperation projects, co-training of graduate students, co-authoring books and papers, and organizing international academic conferences. On behalf of the Institute, Vice Director and Corresponding Member Riren K. U. presented Professor Wu with the "Lomonosov Memorial Medal of Great Russian Chemists."

Professor Wu Daming delivering his lecture

                                                      Certificate and medal awarding ceremony