On 12 November 2018, Dr. NARIMAN MEMETOV delivered a report of “Automatically-adjusted Heating Element by Applying Polymer Nanocomposites” at room 302, main building. Dr. NARIMAN MEMETOV was born in May 1979 in Kotovsk town (Tambov district, former Soviet Union, current Russian Federation). He graduated from the Tambov State Technical University (TSTU) (Tambov, Russia), obtaining a diploma of engineer on chemical machinery and building material equipment in 2002, and obtained a doctorate on technical science (candidate of technical science/engineering technology in Russia) in 2006. He held the post of engineer (2002-2005), assistant lecturer (2005-2006), senior lecturer (2006-2007), and teaching assistant at faculty of manufacturing technique and method of Nano-products (from 2007 onwards) in the Tambov State Technical University (TSTU). Besides, since 2006, he has been a chief engineer of NanoTechCenter (Tambov, Russia)—the first company involved in industrial production of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and graphene nanosheets (GNSs) in Russia.
At the end of the report, Prof. Wu Daming asked Dr. NARIMAN MEMETOV: what’s the automatic adjustment? He answered: the self-regulation at a limited range. Audience: direction heat transfer mechani** of CNT? He answered: heat transfers to different direction. Dr. NARIMAN MEMETOV’s speech saw a great success and all the teachers and students benefited a lot.