Reporter:Professor Andrew.D.Ball
Venue:the boardroom of Labrary
Title:A robust detector for rolling element bearing condition monitoring based on the modulation signal bispectrum and its performance
Brief Introduction:Andrew Ball is Professor of Diagnostics Engineering at the University of Huddersfield. He is the head of the University’s Centre for Efficiency and Performance Engineering, created at the University of Manchester, which is the largest independent diagnosis research and development organization in the world. In addition, he has held positions
Jan 1991-June 1999-Lecture in Maintenance Engineering, University of Manchester
July 1999 to date-Professor of Diagnostics and Maintenance, University of Manchester
Sept 2003 to Feb 2004-Head of School, Manchester School of Engineering
Feb 2004-Sept 2007 Graduate Dean,Faculty of Science and Engineering
Sept 2007 to date Pro-Vice-Chancellor(Research and Enterprise)at University of Huddersfield