Safety Psychology

Release Time:2015-07-13Number of visits:8

Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Safety PsychologySyllabus
 Course Information
Course Code
Course Name(in Chinese)
Course Name(in English)
Safety Psychology
Course Category
Study direction course, Required course
Target Students
Safety engineering subject students
Term Avaiable
Total Credit Hours
Total Credits
PrerequisitesCourse Code):
Safety Engineering Guide (SAE10200T)
 ParallelsCourse Code):
Safety Management (SAE36100T)
Safety Ergonomics (SAE34301T)
Course Descriptions
The course mainly introduces Safety Psychology and scientific researches on the mental characteristic of the man in the laboring, including the relation of mental course, individual psychology, mental change and safety. It puts forward the countermeasure of safety management and the measure of preventing accident.
Textbooks Recommended
Li Jizu, Safety Psychology, China Labor and Social Security Press, Beijing, 2007
Supplementary Materials:
Shao Hui, Wang Kaiquan, Safety Psychology, Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, 2007
Mao Haifeng, Safety Management Psychology, Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, 2004
Hu Yiben, Zhou Ping, Psychology of Preventing Accident, People Education Press, Beijing, 2001

Learning Goals and Objectives
By teaching, students can:
1know the relation of safety and psychology and the content of Safety Psychology;
2understand the relation of mental course and safety;
3understand the relation of individual psychology and safety;
4understand the relation of mental change and safety;
5mastery accident cause and preventing countermeasure;
6mastery the knowledge of safety management psychology.

Course Content and Requirments
1Guide (2 credit hours)
Including the foreword, the brief introduction of psychology and the summarize of Safety Psychology, etc.
2Mental Course and Safety (6 credit hours)
Including aesthesia, attention, memory, thinking, emotion and purpose, etc.
3Individual Psychology and Safety (6 credit hours)
Including temperament, character, personality, ability, attitude and value concept, etc.
4Mental Change and Safety (6 credit hours)
Including fatigue, alcohol and medicament harm, biorhythm, stress, occupation adaptability and environment, etc.
5Accident Cause Analysis and the Countermeasure of Preventing Accident (6 credit hours)
Including accident and cause, insecurity behavior, the countermeasure of preventing accident, etc.
6Safety Management Psychology (6 credit hours)
Including inspiritment, group psychology, lead psychology, safety education and training, etc.

In the teaching, it will have at least 5 assignments.
Assignment achievement, attendance ratio and learning by argumentation are 40 percent of curricular achievement. If late or lack assignments are more than 40 percent of Assignments, it will influence assignment evaluation.
We do advocate and encourage students to discuss assignments, but the final assignments must be fulfilled by themselves. Plagiarizing and coping the others’ assignments is regarded as breach of academic ethics, the worst of which will be punished by the School Principle Committee.

Evaluation Approaches
The main evaluation approaches is examination, and the accessorial ones are assignment and the other evaluation approaches. As soon as possible, it must impersonally and strictly assess students’ learning quality and effect, in order to enhance the students’ basic professional diathesis.
Students may take necessary exam things for final examination. When answering test paper, students must fulfill by themselves, and any cribbers will be punished by the School Principle Committee.
The time of final examination is 120 minutes. Affirmatory examination time and classroom will be informed for students in at least one week before examination.

Asses**ent System
Grade asses**ent is five grades. Assignment achievement, attendance ratio and learning by argumentation are 40 percent of curricular achievement. Final examination is 60 percent of curricular achievement.