X 谢鹏程




  • 高分子材料3D复印及智能制造

  • 聚合物成型加工新原理、新工艺及新设备

  • 精密注射成型成型原理及设备

  • 聚合物成型加工可视化及数值仿真


  • 塑料精密成型技术与装备的研发及产业化. 2011年国家科技进步二等奖

  • 绿色智能大型纯二板式塑料注射成型装备的研发及产业化. 2016年机械工业科学技术一等奖

  • 高分子材料双轴拉伸取向增强成套技术及装备. 2014年山东省科技进步二等奖

  • 植物纤维与高分子复合挤出装饰型材生产技术及装备. 2013山东省科技进步二等奖

  • 49-63巨型轮胎超宽幅胶胚挤出成型关键工艺及装备. 2013中石化联合会科技进步二等奖

  • 精密塑料注射成型装备研发及产业化. 2012宁波市科技进步一等奖

  • 高分子材料PVT在线测试技术及应用. 2010中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖

  • 基于可视化试验与CAE模拟的注射成型工艺优化. 2010北京市科技进步三等奖

  • 伺服节能塑料注射成型工艺装备研发及大规模产业化 2009浙江省科技进步二等奖


1. An efficient approach to reliability-based topology optimization for the structural lightweight design of planar continuum structures[J]. Journal of Mechanics, 2021, 37, 270–281

2. Feature-Integrated Structural Optimization Design Method and Performance Evaluation for Hollow Slab Structures[J]. IEEE ACCESS.2020, 3041060

3. Microstructure and Properties of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polyamide/Nylon Microcellular Foamed Composites[J]. Polymers, 2020, 12(10):2368.

4. A quick response and tribologically durable graphene heater for rapid heat cycle molding and its applications in injection molding[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019, 167:114791.

5. Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[J]. Nanomaterials. 2019, 9(10):1488

6. Carbide-bonded Graphene Coating of Mold Insert for Rapid Thermal Cycling in Injection Molding[J]. Applied thermal Engineering. 2017, 122: 19-26

7. Numerical ****ysis of enhanced heat transfer by incorporating torsion elements in the homogenizing section of polymer plasticization with the field synergy principle[J]International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer. 2017, 115: 946-953

8. Rapid hot embossing of polymer microstructures using carbide-bonded graphene coating on silicon stampers. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 258: 174-180.

9. Effect of gate size on the melt filling behavior and residual stress. Materials and Design. 2014, 53: 366–372

10. Study on Packing Phase Control Based on the Cavity Pressure-Temperature during Injection Molding. International Polymer Processing. 2014, 29: 184-190.

11. Online measurement of rheological properties of polypropylene based on an injection molding machine to simulate the injection-molding process. Polymer Testing. 2011, 30(8): 826-832.

12. Development of internal circulation two-platen IMM for thermoplastic polymer. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2011, 211(6): 1076-1084.


  • 测试聚合物在高冷却速率下的PVT关系的装置及方法. ZL2012101550283

  • 一种全电动超高速注塑成型机.ZL2012100282719

  • 一种全电动微型精密注射成型机. ZL2011104153727

  • 一种直角式注射装置. ZL201110358137.0

  • 一种微发泡注射成型螺杆. ZL201110097286.6

  • 一种微发泡注射成型螺杆. ZL201110097361.9

  • 一种全电动弹射式超高速注塑成型机. ZL201310095357.8

  • 超磁致伸缩材料驱动的热流道喷嘴装置. ZL2009100801846

  • 一种超磁致伸缩材料驱动的微位移机构. ZL2006101505827


《智能注塑机-中国战略性新兴产业研究与发展》 机械工业出版社,2019

《注塑产品缺陷机理及解决方案100例》 印刷工业出版社, 2014

《精密注射成型: 工艺,材料和应用》. 机械工业出版社, 2014


注塑机曲肘式合模机构优化设计软件V1. 登记号2012SR117705