L 罗彦




办公电话:18810178425 E-mailluoyan@mail.buct.edu.cn







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52176052,核燃料棒再淹没过程淬冷沸腾特性及机理研究,2022/01-2025/1258万元,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51806009,交变热流与腐蚀作用下的太阳能吸热器传热特性及热应力调控机制,2019/01-2021/1226万元,结题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,U2067210,矩形窄通道堆芯再淹没瞬态流动及传热特性研究,2021/01-2024/1241.29万元,在研,合作单位负责人

4. 浙江大学能源清洁利用国家重点实验室开放基金,ZJU-CEU2020019,基于不确定性的塔式太阳能电站性能研究,2021/01-2022/125万元,结题,主持

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,ZY1814,基于代理模型的塔式太阳能聚光-吸热耦合系统性能优化研究,2018/01-2018/125万元,结题,主持


1. Luo Y., Wang Z., Zhu J., et al. Multi-objective robust optimization of a solar power tower plant under uncertainty[J]. Energy. 2022, 238: 121716. (SCI)

2. Xiong P, Lu T, Luo Y.*., et al. Study on liquid-vapor interface oscillation characteristics and heat transfer of film boiling during quenching of fuel cladding surfaces[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022: 119615. (SCI)

3. Luo Y., Li G., Wang Z., et al. Analysis of Temperature and Thermal Stress for a Solar Power Tower Molten Salt Receiver under Multi-Source Uncertainties[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(21): 10740. (SCI)

4. Luo Y., Li G., Lu T., et al. Analysis of thermal stress, fatigue life and allowable flux density for the molten salt receiver in solar power tower plants[J]. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 2022, 17: 1385-1398. (SCI)

5. Chu F.M., Gao Q.H., Li S., Yang G.*, Luo Y.*. Mass transfer characteristic of ammonia escape and energy penalty analysis in the regeneration process[J]. Applied Energy. 2020, 258: 113975. (SCI)

6. Luo Y., Lu T., Hu Y. Efficient optimized design of solar power tower plants based on successive response surface methodology [J]. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies. 2019, 14(4): 475-486. (SCI)

7. Luo Y., Lu T., Du X.Z. Novel optimization design strategy for solar power tower plants [J]. Energy Conversion and Management. 2018, 177: 682-692. (SCI)

8. Luo Y., Du X., Awad A., et al. Thermal energy storage enhancement of a binary molten salt via in-situ produced nanoparticles[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 104: 658-664. (SCI)


