Z 张洪笙




通讯地址:北京市朝阳区北三环东15号  北京化工大学  行政楼415  100029

邮箱:zhangguotang@aliyun.com(常用); zhanghongsheng@mail.buct.edu.cn;


张洪笙,男,博士,副教授,长期致力于能源动力系统和系统集成问题方面的研究。主要从事冷热电联产系统、新型热力循环、低品位热能利用技术、化学链无火焰燃烧动力系统、多能源互补利用、二氧化碳减排技术等方面的研究工作。发表学术论文20余篇,以第一作者身份(部分兼通讯作者)发表SCI收录论文14篇(其中10篇发表在能源领域国际顶级TOP Q1期刊上),影响因子累计超过100,他引次数300余次。2017年获得国家公派出国留学奖学金;2019年获得北京市优秀毕业生;2019年入选北京化工大学“青年优秀后备人才”计划。


2019-07-至今  北京化工大学 机电工程学院 副教授

2013-092019-06  中国石油大学(北京) 动力工程及工程热物理 工学博士

2017-112018-11  The University of Adelaide 国家公派联合培养博士研究生

2011-092013-06  中国石油大学(北京) 热能工程 工学硕士

2007-092011-06  中国石油大学(北京) 热能与动力工程 工学学士


1. Hongsheng Zhang*, Hanlin Li, Xiaoyu Yang, Yipeng Zhang, Yifeng Liu, Chenghong Duan, Jiyun Qin. Thermo-economic analysis of SOFC-CLC cogeneration system based on CO2 separation with natural cooling. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 322: 119172. (SCI, IF=11.533, Top Q1)

2. Hongsheng Zhang*, Xingang Liu, Ruijun Hao, Xiaobin Ba, Chengjun Liu, Yifeng Liu, Chenghong Duan, Manman Qiao, Jiyun Qin. Thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analyses of the energy segmented stepped utilization of medium- and low-temperature steam based on a dual-stage organic Rankine cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 219: 119488. (SCI, IF=6.465, Top Q1)

3. Hongsheng Zhang*, Ruijun Hao, Xingang Liu, Ning Zhang, Chengjun Liu, Yifeng Liu, Chenghong Duan, Manman Qiao, Jiyun Qin. Thermodynamic and economic evaluation on a novel cogeneration system based on energy sectionalized closed utilization method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 233: 121200. (SCI, IF=6.465, Top Q1)

4. Hongsheng Zhang, Xingang Liu, Ruijun Hao, Chengjun Liu, Yifeng Liu, Chenghong Duan*, Jiyun Qin. Thermodynamic performance study on gas-steam cogeneration systems with different configurations based on condensed waste heat utilization. Energy, 2022, 250: 123836. (SCI, IF=9.00, Top Q1)

5. Hongsheng Zhang*, Ruijun Hao, Xingang Liu, Ning Zhang, Wenli Guo, Zhenghui Zhang, Chengjun Liu, Yifeng Liu, Chenghong Duan, Jiyun Qin. Thermodynamic performance analysis of an improved coal-fired power generation system coupled with geothermal energy based on organic Rankine cycle. Renewable Energy, 2022, 201: 273-290. (SCI, IF=9.00, Top Q1)

6. Hongsheng Zhang*, Eric Hu, Chenghong Duan, Jiyun Qin. An improved model to evaluate the performance of solar-aided power generation plants. International Journal of Green Energy, 2022, 19(3): 300-313. (SCI, IF=3.206, Q4)

7. Hongsheng Zhang, Xingang Liu, Yifeng Liu, Ruijun Hao, Chengjun Liu, Chenghong Duan*, Zhan Dou, and Jiyun Qin. Energy and exergy analysis of a new cogeneration heating system based on condensed waste heat utilization in the direct air cooling coal-fired power plant. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2022, 148(2): 04021067. (SCI, IF=2.040, Q4)

8. Hongsheng Zhang, Xingang Liu, Yifeng Liu, Chenghong Duan*, Zhan Dou, Jiyun Qin. Energy and exergy analyses of a novel cogeneration system coupled with absorption heat pump and organic Rankine cycle based on a direct air cooling coal-fired power plant. Energy, 2021, 229: 120641. (SCI, IF=9.00, Top Q1)

9. Hongsheng Zhang*, Yifeng Liu, Xingang Liu, Chenghong Duan. Energy and exergy analysis of a new cogeneration system based on an organic Rankine cycle and absorption heat pump in the coal-fired power plant. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 223: 113293. (SCI, IF=11.533, Top Q1)

10. Hongsheng Zhang*, Hongbin Zhao, Zhenlin Li. Waste heat recovery and water-saving modification for a water-cooled gas-steam combined cycle cogeneration system with absorption heat pump. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019; 180: 1129-1138. (SCI, IF=11.533, Top Q1)

11. Hongsheng Zhang, Hongbin Zhao*, Zhenlin Li, Eric Hu. Optimization potentials for the waste heat recovery of a gas-steam combined cycle power plant based on absorption heat pump. Journal of Thermal Science, 2019; 28 (2): 283-293. (SCI, IF=2.438, Q4)

12. Hongsheng Zhang, Hongbin Zhao*, Zhenlin Li. Thermodynamic performance study on solar-assisted absorption heat pump cogeneration system in the coal-fired power plant. Energy, 2016; 116: 942-955.(SCI, IF=9.00, Top Q1)

13. H.S. Zhang, H.B. Zhao*, Z.L. Li. Performance analysis of the coal-fired power plant with combined heat and power (CHP) based on absorption heat pumps. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2016; 89: 70-80. (SCI, IF=6.470, Q2)

14. Hongsheng Zhang, Zhenlin Li, Hongbin Zhao*. Thermodynamic performance analysis of a novel electricity-heating cogeneration system (EHCS) based on absorption heat pump applied in the coal-fired power plant. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015; 105: 1125-1137. (SCI, IF=11.533, Top Q1)

社会与学术主要兼 职:

1. 教育部学位中心评审专家

2. 中国知网国际出版中心兼 职翻译专家

3.国际期刊Applied Energy》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Energy》、《Renewable Energy》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》等评审专家



