L 李慧芳


姓名李慧芳 性 别:  院 系机电工程学院
行政职务 专业技术职称副教授 导师类别硕士生导师
从事专业1化工过程机械 从事专业2动力工程及工程热物理 从事专业3
最后学历 最后学位博士 任硕导年月
任博导年月 是否院士 是否国务院学科评议组成员
毕业院校北京化工大学 毕业专业: 080706 化工过程机械 毕业时间2010-12-30
办公电话 E-maillihf@mail.buct.edu.cn 是否停招
.Morphology ****ysis of mixed mode fatigue crack growth in a low alloy steel Advanced Materials Researches, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies in Industry 国外 EI Vol787(2013):745-749 1
Experimental investigation of the strain-strengthen effect on the existed I+II mixed mode fatigue crack transformation propagation in an austenite stainless steel Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference PVP2013 国外 EI 2013.7.14 1
Experimental Study of I+III Mixed Mode Fatigue Crack Transformation Propagation Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 国外 EI SCI 2011,34,53-59 1
Calculation of the stress intensity factors for elliptical cracks embedded in a weld under tensile loading Ⅰ:single crack Advanced Materials Research:High Performance Structures and Materials Engineering 国外 EI 2011,217-218,1419-1424 3
Path prediction of I+ III mixed mode fatigue crack propagation Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures 国外 EI SCI 2012.v35, n 2, 1
Path prediction of I+II mixed mode fatigue crack growth in pressure vessels made from 16MnDR 2012 International Symposium on Structural Integrity 国外 ISTP 2012,P367-370 1
Thermal stress ****ysis of a tubesheet with a welding clab Advanced Materials Research 国外 EI 2011, 201-203,302-307 1
Effects of tube stiffness and tubesheet thickness on the thermal stress of the tubes and tubesheet Advanced Materials Research 国外 EI 2011, 314-316,1552-1555 1
Calculation of the stress intensity factors for elliptical cracks embedded in a weld under tensile loading Ⅱ:double cracks Advanced Materials Research:High Performance Structures and Materials Engineering 国外 EI 2011,217-218,1425-1429 3
Effective study of the envelope method for coalescing multiple surface cracks. ISSI2011: Structural integrity in nuclear engineering 国内 ISTP 2011,367-370 3
: 成果获奖情况

ZZ1218 中央、国家各部门项目 论文 北京化工大学 复合型疲劳裂纹在扩展中一般会向I型转化,转型扩展过程和材料有关,但发生转型却几乎和材料无关,有着力学 1
11202019 国家自然科学基金项目 论文 国家自然科学基金委 (1)加工由不同材料(16MnDR/OCr18Ni10/TA2)制成的含穿透裂纹的M(T)试件共计120件进行疲劳裂纹扩展实验研 1

11202019 自然基金 国家自然科学基金项目 2012.1.1-2015.12.31 26.00 负责