
王瑞雪 教授




联系方式:+86 18810357556    

邮箱: wrx@mail.buct.edu.cn



以第一作者或通讯作者在Nano Energy, Journal of Hazardous Material, Food Chemistry, Plasma Sources Science &Technology, Applied Physics Letters等国际著名期刊上发表学术论文56篇,其中SCI论文46(2篇论文入选当期杂志封面,17篇顶刊),总他引2000余次,EI论文10(机械工程学报、高电压技术等卓越期刊),参与编写中英文专著各1部,申请发明专利18项,其中已授权14项。因申请人在脉冲等离子体领域内的学术贡献,被授予“International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects” Ilnd degree award。研究成果获“高电压技术”期刊优秀论文、“中国电机工程学会高电压专业委员会学术年会”优秀论文、“高电压与放电等离子体会议”优秀论文等。研究工作“基底电导率对等离子体放电特性的影响”获学术顶刊J. Phys. DEmerging Leader(2019)

目前担任中国电工技术学会青年委员会副秘书长、高压绝缘等离子体青年学组秘书长、高分子材料加工装备教育部工程中心固定人员、IEEE会员、全国高电压与放电等离子体会议技术委员、中国物理学会全国静电学术年会组织委员、《防化研究》、《应用基础与工程科学学报》以及《Clean Energy Science and Technology》青年编委等。在国际和国内学术交流方面,承办了“中国电工技术学会-机电工程学院学科交叉论坛”、“中国电工技术学会第二十四期青年云沙龙”、第18届聚合物加工亚洲论坛(AWPP2019),应邀在中国安全工程学会、国际电气与能源会议、国际等离子体与能源转化等国际和国内著名学术会议上做分会场主持,并做邀请报告20余次。长期坚持在教学一线,承担了多门本科专业课程的教学工作,年平均授课92学时。教学质量连续三年评定为“优秀”。获批校德智体美劳教育教学改革专项立项,受邀请在课程思政建设研讨会上做邀请报告,获评北京化工大学十佳教师称号。


2019/1- 至今,北京化工大学,机电工程学院,见习教授、教授,博士生导师

2014/7 – 2018.12,中科院电工所,助理研究员、副研究员

2009/9 - 2014/7,北京大学,前沿交叉学科研究院,博士


2005/9 - 2009/7,天津医科大学,生物医学工程/法学,双学士







2023   北京市杰出青年

2022   北京市科技新星

2021   中国电工技术学会优秀组织奖

2019   顶刊J. Phys. D. Emerging Leader

2018   国际能量通量会议个人贡献二等奖

2017   中国科协青年托举人才








6.核生化灾害防护国家重点实验室开放课题, 2022.1-2023.12,主持








1.X. Kong, H Li, W. Yang, S Li, D Yang, W Ning*, R Wang*, Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing. Applied Physics Letters. 2023, 122: 084101.(顶刊)

2.X. Kong, S. Xue, H. Li, W. Yang, E.F. Martynovich, W. Ning*, R. Wang*, Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber's permittivity, Plasma Sources Science & Technology. 2022, 31(9): 095010. (顶刊)

3.H. Qin, H. Qiu, S.-T. He, B. Hong, K. Liu, F. Lou, M. Li, P. Hu, X. Kong, Y. Song, Y. Liu, M. Pu, P. Han, M. Li, X. An, L. Song, Y. Tong*, H. Fan*, R. Wang*, Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 430, 128414. (顶刊)

4.Y. Bai, S. Chen, H. Wang, E. Wang, X. Kong, Y. Gai, X. Qu, Q. Li, S. Xue, P. Guo, R. Wang*, H. Feng*, Z. Li*, Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator, Nano Energy 2022, 95, 106992.(顶刊)

5.R. Wang*, Y. Liu, S. Xue, P. Xie, W. Yang, Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process, Surface & Coatings Technology. 2022, 451, 4512022.(顶刊)

6.R. Wang*, Z. Xia, X. Kong, S. Xue, H. Wang, Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array, Surface & Coatings Technology. 2022, 437, 4372022.(顶刊)

7.Y. Liu, P. Hu, H. Qiu, R. Wang*, Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD plasma device, The proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society, Beijing, China. 2022, 891, 566-572.

8.S. Chen, H. Wang, Y. Li, R. Wang*, X. Kong, Z. Xia, Mutual integration of triboelectric nanogenerator and plasma technology, Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2022, 58(21): 171-185.

9.P. Xie, J. Chen, B. Ye, R. Wang*, K. Dang, W. Yang, K. Ostrikov, Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2022, 139(16): 51980.

10.R. Wang*, Z. Xia, X. Kong, S. Xue, H. Wang, Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array, Surface and Coatings Technology. 2022, 437, 128365.(顶刊)

11.R. Wang*, Z. Li, H. Wang, S. Chen, P. Guo, High Efficiency Removal of sulfur mustard surrogate by cold plasma jet, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. 2022, 42(2): 303-319.

12.R. Wang*, P. Hu, X. Kong, G. Ma, Decomposition for chemical warfare agent sarin: comparation between plate-to-plate and plate-to-pin dielectric barrier discharge, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2022, 50(4): 863-872.

13.R. Wang*, Y. Yang, S. Chen, H. Jiang, P. Martin, Power calculation of pulse power-driven DBD plasma, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2021, 49(7): 2210-2216.

14.R. Wang*, Z. Xia, X. Kong, L. Liang, K. Ostrikov, Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force, Surface & Coatings Technology. 2021, 427, 127840.(顶刊)

15.Z. Gan, X. Feng, Y. Hou, A. Sun*, R. Wang*, Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice, Lwt-Food Science and Technology. 2021, 136, 110223.

16.王瑞雪*, 叶巴丁, 孔祥号, 夏章川, 张子鹏, 李好义, 谢鹏程. 低温等离子体表面强化技术研究进展[J]. 机械工程学报, 2021, 57(12): 192-207.

17.王瑞雪*, 李忠文, 虎攀, 杨亚文, 夏章川. 低温等离子体化学毒剂洗消技术研究进展[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(13): 2767-2781.


19.李好义, 张子鹏, 谢超, 杨卫民, 丁玉梅, 王瑞雪*.聚偏氟乙烯电纺纳米纤维电池隔膜研究进展[J]. 化工新型材料, 2021, 49(07): 6-9.

