
段成红 教授



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段成红,北京化工大学教授、博士生导师、化工设备设计研究所所长、北京市教学名师。主讲国家级一流课程、国家精品课、国家资源共享课《过程设备设计》。主要研究方向为承压设备的设计开发和结构优化、金属增材制造与激光制造科学与工程、复合材料力学性能研究。主持国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、多项企事业单位科研项目,以第一或通讯作者身份在Additive manufacturingJournal of Manufacturing ProcessesApplied Thermal EngineeringJournal of Manufacturing Science and EngineeringInternational Journal of Pressure Vessels and PipingJournal of Pressure Vessel TechnologyMetals and Materials International等国际期刊和ASME PVP压力容器顶级学术会议上发表SCI/EI论文100余篇。担任International Journal of Thermal Sciences等领域知名期刊审稿人、教育部学位论文评审专家、国家压力容器分析设计标准编委、中国化工学会化工机械专业委员会委员、中国光学学会激光加工专业委员会委员。参与编写国家级规划教材《化工设备机械基础》及《中国化工装备产品手册》等书籍。


2009.07-2024.10 北京化工大学 机电工程学院过程装备与控制工程系,系主任/专业负责人/博士生导师

2024.10-至今 北京化工大学化工设备设计研究所所长

2004.08-2005.02 美国俄亥俄州立大学 公派访问学者

1986.08-2009.06 北京化工大学 机电工程学院过程装备与控制工程系,教师

2001.09-2007.03 北京化工大学 博士

1995.09-1999.07 北京化工大学 硕士

1982.09-1986.07 北京化工大学 学士


  1. Cao X,Duan C*, Luo X*, Zheng S, Xu H, Hao X, Zhang Z. Deep learning-based rapid prediction of temperature field and intelligent control of molten pool during directed energy deposition process[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2024, 94: 104501. SCI,一区TOP

  2. Cao X,Duan C*, Luo X*, Zheng S, Hao X, Shang D, Zhang Z. Physics-informed machine learning approach for molten pool morphology prediction and process evaluation in directed energy deposition of 12CrNi2 alloy steel[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2024, 119: 806-826.SCI,一区TOP

  3. Cao X, Duan C*, Luo X*, Xu H, Hao X. Integrated framework of multi physics mechanism models for gas powder flow, molten pool evolution and part deformation in high alloy steel additive manufacturing process [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 257: 124462. SCI,二区TOP

  4. Duan C, Cao X, Luo X*, et al. Multi-physics investigations on the gas-powder flow and the molten pool dynamics during directed energy deposition process[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2023, 145(8): 081008.SCI

  5. Duan C, Shang D, Luo X*, et al. Effects of shot peening residual stresses on fatigue crack propagation behavior of 316L[J]. Journal of Laser Applications, 2023, 35(3). 032009.SCI

  6. Duan C, Shang D*, Luo X*, et al. Effects of residual stress induced by laser shock peening on fatigue crack propagation behavior in directed energy deposition stainless steel[J]. steel research international. 2023, 2300328.SCI

  7. Shang D, Duan C, Luo X, et al. Numerical and Experimental Study on the Fatigue Behavior of X80 Steel Treated by Biomimetic Laser Shock Peening[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023: 1-12.SCI

  8. Duan C, Zhang X, Lu M, Luo X*. Load release ratio method for design of thermo-expanded piping-vessel system[J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2022, 200: 104840.SCI

  9. Zhao M, Duan C*, Luo X*. Heat Transfer, Laser Remelting/Premelting Behavior and Metallurgical Bonding During Selective Laser Melting of Metal Powder[J]. Metals and Materials International,(2022) 28:2225–2238. SCI, 当期期刊封面论文】

  10. Duan C, Cao X, Luo X*. Efficient distortion predictions of high-performance steel alloy parts fabricated by pragmatic deposition strategies in laser melting deposition[J]. Journal of Laser Applications, 2022, 34(1).SCI

  11. Duan C, Wang Z, Huang J, Luo X*et al. Dual assessment criterion and its programmed application of collapse failure of pressure vessels[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 235(4): 863-869. SCI

  12. Cao X, Duan C, Luo X*. Efficient Simulation Methods for Thermal‐Mechanical Coupled Analysis and Rapid Residual Distortion Prediction of Laser Melting Deposition Process[J]. steel research international, 2021, 92(8): 2000615.SCI

  13. Duan C, Wang Z, Huang J, Luo X*et al. Dual assessment criterion and its programmed application of collapse failure of pressure vessels[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 235(4): 863-869. SCI

  14. Duan C, Zhao M, Luo X*. Thermal behavior and densification mechanism during selective laser melting additive manufacturing of metal powder[J]. steel research international, 2020, 91(8): 2000073.SCI

  15. Luo X, Zhao M, Li J, Duan C*. Numerical study on thermodynamic behavior during selective laser melting of 24CrNiMo alloy steel. Materials, 13(1), 2020.SCI

  16. Duan C, Hao X, Pei Y, Luo X*. Stress Wave and Residual Stress Characteristics of TC17 Titanium Alloy Subjected to Warm Laser Shock Peening. Advanced Engineering Materials, 21(2), 2019. SCI

  17. 段成红,尚大智,罗翔鹏*,池瀚林,曹先堃,郝晓杰.残余应力对定向能量沉积不锈钢件疲劳裂纹扩展速率的影响机制研究[J].中国激光,2023, 50 (20).EI

  18. 段成红,池瀚林,罗翔鹏*,.激光熔化沉积稀释率对重熔行为与致密度的影响[J].材料导报,2023,37(06):155-162. EI

  19. Wang Z, Duan C, Luo X*. Strength Analysis and Influence Factors Research of Carbon-Fiber Wound Composite Gas Cylinder With Aluminum Liner[C]. Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, 83839: V003T03A010a.EI

  20. Zhang X,Duan C, Lu M, Luo X*. Application of Load Release Factor Method in Thermal Expansion Load Imposed on Vessel Nozzle[C]. Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021, 85321: V002T03A061.EI

  21. Zhang X, Duan C, Luo X*, et al. A Comparative Study on the Sub-Model Method and the Local Model Method in the Tightness Analysis of Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints of Heat Exchanger[C]. Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, 83839: V003T03A079.EI

  22. Duan C, Huang J, Luo X*. Winding - Autofrettage Study on Reinforced Thermoplastics Vessel Based on ANSYS ACP. 2018 Prague, Czech Republic: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. EI

  23. 张向兵,段成红,陆明万,罗翔鹏*.管系弹性跟随效应对容器—接管连接的应力分析评定影响研究[J]. 压力容器, 2021, 38(4): 27-33, 81. 【中文核心】

  24. 罗翔鹏,李正驰,段成红*,.基于弹塑性分析的局部过度应变评定方法及其应用[J].压力容器,2023,40(06):33-39. 【中文核心】

  25. 段成红,吴港本,罗翔鹏*,.基于ANSYS Workbench的圆筒体非径向接管补强方法研究[J].化工机械,2023,50(03):343-347.【中文核心】

  26. 段成红,李芳妍,罗翔鹏*,王波,王福军,刘镇溪.硅橡胶减振器的非线性随机振动分析[J].弹性体,2022,32(03):18-23.【中文核心】

  27. 段成红,吴港本,罗翔鹏*,王波.异径三通管热--固耦合分析及其结构优化[J].化工机械,2022,49(03):441-444+494. 【中文核心】

  28. 段成红,王波,罗翔鹏*,.囊式蓄能器橡胶球囊屈曲失稳变形研究[J].机床与液压,2022,50(24):148-152. 【中文核心】

  29. 段成红,翁志伟,罗翔鹏*,.激光熔化沉积高合金钢疲劳裂纹扩展研究[J].激光技术,2021,45(06):691-696.【中文核心】

  30. 段成红,李佳毅,裴亚田,罗翔鹏*. 不同路径及曲率激光冲击TC17残余应力分布研究.激光杂志. 2018,39(11):55-61.【中文核心】

  31. 段成红,周俊景,裴亚田,罗翔鹏*. TC17钛合金单双面激光冲击残余应力分布研究.激光技术, 2018,1-13. 【中文核心】

  32. 段成红,郝晓杰,罗翔鹏*. 选区激光熔化316L温度场研究.应用激光,2018,38(05):748-753. 【中文核心】


  • 纵向课题

1. 基于数字孪生的金属仿生增材制造原理及关键技术(批准号:52235006.国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题. 2023-2027. 负责人;

2. 激光增材过程对材料力学性能及抗开裂行为研究影响的研究(2016YFB1100202-1),国家重点研发计划子课题,2016-2020. 负责人。

  • 企事业单位横向课题

1. 超高压热阀分析计算;2025.01-2025.12,负责人;

2. 胶囊蓄压器静态动态仿真分析;2024.10-2025.12,负责人;

3. 超高压氮气缓冲罐设计项目;2024.07-2025.12,负责人;

4. 宽域吸气式发动机空气系统试验舱分析计算;2024.05-2030.12,负责人;

5. 新型深远海漂浮式风电平台及氢能综合利用技术研究;2024.05-2025.12;负责人;

6. C型密封环密封技术特性研究;2024.03-2024.12;负责人;

7. 焦炭塔疲劳分析设计;2024.03-2024.12;负责人;

8. 华锦碳四装置SAD分析设计;2024.01-2024.12;负责人;