H 胡和敏






2014年博士毕业于华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,后于中科院理化技术研究所从事博士后研究,2016年进入中科院工程热物理研究所工作,主要从事各类热力系统分析及动态仿真、电站余热利用、电子设备热管理等方向研究,目前发表SCI论文14篇 ,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,企业委托项目2项,作为科研骨干重点参与了科技部重点专项、973计划、中科院与河北省院地合作、中科院先导等项目。


  1. 干湿复合冷却系统多尺度热质传递特性及气象条件自适应机制,2019/1-2021/12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,51806217,负责人。

  2. 冷却塔热交换设计,2016/06-2020/12,企业委托,负责人。

  3. 高性能热管技术合作项目,2022/1/17-2023/1/7,企业委托,负责人。

  4. 超临界二氧化碳透平发电机组的研发及产业化,2017/10-2020/12,中科院与河北省院地合作项目。

  5. 超临界二氧化碳发电关键技术研究,2018/4-2023/4,中国科学院科技专项。

  6. 聚光光伏与余热利用温湿度调节系统的研究与开发,2016/12-2020/4,国家科技部重点研发计划。

  7. 燃煤发电系统冷端高效释热、余热梯级利用及多冷源集成,2015/01-2019/08,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)

  8. 大型燃煤发电机组过程节能的基础研究,2009/01-2013/12,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)


  1. Hemin Hu, Chaohong Guo, Haofei Cai, Yuyan Jiang*,Shiqiang Liang, Yongxian Guo, Dynamic characteristics of the recuperator thermal performance in a S-CO2 Brayton cycle, Energy2021, 214, 119017. (SCI, 影响因子:6.082,一区,TOP)

  2. Hemin Hu*, Yuyan Jiang*, Chaohong Guo, Shiqiang Liang, Thermodynamic and exergy study of a S-CO2 Brayton cycle with various of cooling modes, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 220, 113110. (SCI, 影响因子:8.208,一区,TOP)

  3. Hemin Hu*, Shiqiang Liang, Yuyan Jiang*, Chaohong Guo, Yuming Zhu, Haofei Cai, Thermodynamic and exergy study of 2 MW S-CO2 Brayton cycle under full/partial load operating conditions, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 211, 112786. (SCI, 影响因子:8.208,一区,TOP)

  4. Hemin Hu*, Shiqiang Liang, Yuyan Jiang*, Yongxian Guo, An Efficient Summer Operation Scheme for a Thermal Power Plant Air Cooling System based on Electric Peak Shaving, Journal of Thermal Science, 2020, 29(2), 393-407. (SCI, 影响因子:1.972,二区)

  5. Hemin Hu*, Dazhong Yuan, Tao Wang, Yuyan Jiang, Dynamic performance of high concentration photovoltaic/thermal system with air temperature and humidity regulation system (HCPVTH), Applied thermal engineering, 2019, 146 (5), 577-587. (SCI, 影响因子:4.725,一区,TOP)

  6. Hemin Hu*, Zhigang,Li Yuyan Jiang*, Xiaoze Du, Thermodynamic characteristics of thermal power plant with hybrid (dry/wet) cooling system, Energy, 2018, 147, 729-741. (SCI, 影响因子:6.082,一区,TOP)

  7. Hemin Hu*, Yuyan Jiang*, Chaohong Guo, Zhigang Li, Thermodynamic coupling characteristics in hybrid (dry/wet) cooling systemInternational Journal of green energy, 2018, 15(9), 532-543. (SCI, 影响因子:1.388,四区)

  8. Hemin Hu, Xiaoze Du*, Lijun Yang, Yongping Yang, Tongrui Cheng, Cross scale simulation on transport phenomena of direct air-cooling system of power generating units based on reduced order modeling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 75(8): 156-164. (SCI, 影响因子:4.947,一区,TOP)

  9. Hemin Hu, Xiaoze Du*, Lijun Yang, Yongping Yang, POD based modeling on flow and heat transfer of air-cooled condenser influenced by natural wind, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 74(7): 431-440. (SCI, 影响因子:4.947,一区,TOP)

  10. 胡和敏,杜小泽*,杨立军等,直接空冷系统流动特性的多尺度模拟研究,动力工程学报, 2014, 34(3): 216-221.(一级学报,EI

  11. Hemin Hu, Xiaoze Du*, Lijun Yang, Yingyan Zhou, Yongping Yang, POD-based modeling on thermal-flow characteristics for air-cooled condenser of power plant, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 76(76): 273-281. (SCI, 影响因子:3.476)

  12. Hemin Hu, Jiahui Zhang, Xiaoze Du*, Lijun Yang., Study of Liquid-Cooled Heat Sink Used for Power Electronics Cooling, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Application, 2011, 3:021001.2-02001.9. (EI)

  13. Hemin Hu, Jiahui Zhang, Xiaoze Du*, Lijun Yang, Study of Liquid-Cooled Heat Sink Used for Power Electronics Cooling, 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, Washington, DC, 2010, 449-458. SCI

  14. Xiaoze Du*, Hemin Hu, Yinqi Shen, et al., Reduced order study of flow and heat transfer for air-cooled condenser of power generating unit, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 51(s1-2): 383-392. ( SCI, 影响因子:4.725,一区,TOP)

  15. Yunchun Yang, Jiaqi Yuan, Ziwei Xiao, Hao Yi, Chong Zhang, Wenjie Gang, Hemin Hu, Energy consumption characteristics and adaptive electricity pricing strategies for college dormitories based on historical monitored data, Energy and Buildings, 2021, 245:111041. (SCI, 影响因子:5.879)

  16. 胡和敏,卜永东,张凯等,直接空冷凝汽器流动和传热的降维分析,现代电力,2013302):31-36.

  17. 曹可,袁达忠,胡和敏,姜玉雁, 高倍聚光光伏光热一体化系统的热电性能研究, 太阳能学报, 2020.04. (一级学报,EI

  18. 杨浩、袁达忠、胡和敏等,太阳能集管系统流量分配的理论和实验研究,工程热物理学报, 2018.07.(一级学报,EI

  19. 绍青、郝江平、胡和敏等,协调余热与回热系统的热能梯级利用技术,热力发电,2018.06.

  20. 曾勇,李建国,胡和敏等,无油线性压缩机变容量制冷性能实验研究,低温工程,2016346-50.